ESSENCIAS Property has invested and developed properties for over 20 years. It is an established property development company with a proven track record in the residential and commercial property markets. With developments of over £10m completed and sold and property assets of £5 million under management, the busiess continues to deliver exceptional results.

This success offers investors a unique opportunity to participate in lucrative and secure property ventures. We support and provide a range of flexible investment options tailored to suit individual preferences and risk appetites. These include direct cash, SASS and SIPP funds and or property or land that you own and want a hand with.

Ways to Invest with ESSENCIAS Property: 

Loan with Guaranteed Interest:   Investors can provide loans with a fixed level of interest, which is either: 

- Paid periodically during the project 

- Paid in full upon the project’s exit 

Joint Venture Partnership: 

- Investors fund a specific project 

- Gain a share of the profits upon the project’s successful completion 

Mentored Investor Program: Investors contribute funds while participating in the project’s development 

- Receive mentorship and get involved, as much as you can, to learn as you invest

- Earn interest on the capital investment whilst gaining new skills and experience

 Flexible Investment Options: 

  1. Individual Project Investment: Participate in one specific project, ensuring a clear and focused investment opportunity 

  2. Ongoing Loan Facility: Provide continuous funding to the company to support its broader development pipeline, earning consistent returns over time 

To ensure investor confidence and mitigate risks always aims to create a security for each investment. Full funding contributions can be protected by a first legal charge.

The company is commitment to safeguarding investor capital while fostering long-term relationships built on transparency and mutual success.

Please contact us, we / I am interested in Investing: